Mikroverlag: publishing Europe’s technology stories
Mikroverlag is an idea to publish new works that cover technology stories from the past few decades, particularly from Europe.
Over the past year, I have been sharing what I’d like my next “fun little thing” to be. I’m pleased to tell you what that is: a publishing venture covering less-well-known technology stories from across Europe, launching in 2025.
Books on, from, and about Silicon Valley are plentiful. It’s easy to find a book covering business models, leaders, or company stories from that area. Silicon Valley’s place in the history of communications technology is assured. But, there are so many additional stories from Europe that are less well-known globally.
The concept of Mikroverlag is to cover specific histories related to European technology: its innovations, its people, and also, its failures. Central and Eastern Europe is particularly ripe for untapping as there are many stories of government-led and people-led innovations that are in danger of being lost.
That said, the point of Mikroverlag is to cover technology stories from the whole of Europe. We might cover, for example, the development of Minitel in France, or the story of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum clones in Communist-era Czechoslovakia. The first digital computer, the German Z3, might be a future topic, or perhaps a biography of Benoit Mandelbrot.
I’m just making these up. This is where you come in.
If there’s a topic that you would like to see us publish, or you have an idea for a book that you would like to write, then please get in touch: mikroverlag@perininetworks.com.
I have absolutely no idea how to get this off the ground. We’ll all learn as we go. It’s really a bit of fun, but if we’re successful, we’ll unlock some of these important but untold stories.